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Read Soil Moisture Integration and Prediction System (SMIPS) Cloud Optimised Geotiff (COG) files from TERN in your R session.


  collection = "totalbucket",
  api_key = get_key(),
  max_tries = 3L,
  initial_delay = 1L



A date to query, e.g., day = "2017-12-31" or day = as.Date("2017-12-01"), both Character and Date classes are accepted.


A character vector of the “SMIPS” data collection to be queried:

  • SMindex: the SMIPS Soil Moisture Index (i.e., a number between 0 and 1 that indicates how full the SMIPS bucket moisture store is relative to its 90 cm capacity),

  • totalbucket: an estimate of the volumetric soil moisture (in mm) from the SMIPS bucket moisture store, Defaults to “totalbucket”. Multiple collections are supported, e.g., collection = c("SMindex", "totalbucket").


A character string containing your API key, a random string provided to you by TERN, for the request. Defaults to automatically detecting your key from your local .Renviron, .Rprofile or similar. Alternatively, you may directly provide your key as a string here or use functionality like that from keyring. If nothing is provided, you will be prompted on how to set up your R session so that it is auto-detected and a browser window will open at the TERN website for you to request a key.


An integer Integer with the number of times to retry a failed download before emitting an error message. Defaults to 3.


An Integer with the number of seconds to delay before retrying the download. This increases as the tries increment. Defaults to 1.


A terra::rast object


if (FALSE) { # interactive()

r <- read_smips("2024-01-01")

# `tidyterra::autoplot` is re-exported for convenience