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The nert package provides straightforward and seamless access to the TERN Soil Moisture Integration and Prediction System (SMIPS) datasets, which include soil moisture estimates that can be used in your data analytics pipelines. This document showcases this process with the example of a synthesised multi-site grain production experiment. The nert package is loaded and used to download soil moisture time series data at various locations across South Australia. Recognising soil moisture as a classical confounder—affecting crop yield (via root-zone water availability) and nitrogen treatment (via increased volatilisation in moist soils)—we will augment our modelling of the grain production to use soil moisture estimates over the treatment period for estimating the nitrogen treatment effect.

A synthetic dataset for a grain production experiment

A simulated dataset containing yield data for a fictitious grain production experiment has been included with the nert package. The dataset is called grain, and you can load the package and this dataset with:

#> 'data.frame':    2880 obs. of  10 variables:
#>  $ Site             : Factor w/ 10 levels "Adelaide","Barossa Valley",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ Latitude         : num  -34.9 -34.9 -34.9 -34.9 -34.9 ...
#>  $ Longitude        : num  139 139 139 139 139 ...
#>  $ SowDate          : Date, format: "2022-05-20" "2022-05-20" "2022-05-20" ...
#>  $ NitrogenDate     : Date, format: "2022-06-04" "2022-06-04" "2022-06-04" ...
#>  $ Rep              : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ Variety          : Factor w/ 8 levels "Variety_A","Variety_B",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ Nitrogen_kgNha   : Factor w/ 4 levels "0","30","60",..: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ...
#>  $ SeedRate_plantsm2: Factor w/ 3 levels "75","150","300": 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
#>  $ Yield_Tha        : num  3 3.69 3.89 2.76 3.27 ...

The grain dataset supposes that a hypothetical grain production experiment has been run at a selection of ten sites across South Australia, investigating the effects of four different treatment levels of nitrogen application and three different seeding rates on the grain yield for some crop with eight varieties.

Note that we have locational coordinates (in Latitude and Longitude) for each of the sites, as well as dates for the crop sowing and nitrogen applications (in SowDate and NitrogenDate respectively.) This spatio-temporal information is useful, as it allows us to match up the experimental sites with the data points that we need to download from SMIPS.

Download SMIPS data for the sites across times

Here we use the nert package to download SMIPS soil moisture datasets from the TERN Data Portal, which we can use to augment our analysis of the grain experiment data. The two key SMIPS datasets of interest are:

  1. totalbucket: an estimate of the volumetric soil moisture (in units of mm) from the SMIPS bucket moisture store,

  2. SMindex: the SMIPS soil moisture index (i.e., a number between 0 and 1 that indicates how full the SMIPS bucket moisture store is relative to its 90cm capacity).

For simplicity, suppose we are interested in the SMIPS soil moisture index (SMindex) data, for all days falling between the earliest nitrogen application date up to 30 days after the last application date, and we want the soil moisture index at each site (by latitude/longitude coordinates). We can generate this date range in a straightforward way using the NitrogenDate column of the grain dataset as follows:

start_date <- min(grain$NitrogenDate)
end_date <- max(grain$NitrogenDate) + 30
date_range <- seq(start_date, end_date, by = "1 day")

c(date_range[1], date_range[length(date_range)])
#> [1] "2022-05-07" "2022-07-15"

We also need the latitude and longitude for the sites, which we can readily retrieve from the grain dataset columns Latitude and Longitude:

sites <- unique(grain[, c("Site", "Latitude", "Longitude")])
#>                    Site  Latitude Longitude
#> 1              Adelaide -34.94773  138.6244
#> 289      Barossa Valley -34.54843  138.9580
#> 577        Clare Valley -33.83754  138.6012
#> 865      Eyre Peninsula -34.37378  135.7967
#> 1153 Fleurieu Peninsula -35.52307  138.4608
#> 1441    Kangaroo Island -35.71041  137.0736
#> 1729    Limestone Coast -37.88957  140.6388
#> 2017         Sturt Vale -33.34666  140.0723
#> 2305        Murraylands -35.12425  139.3014
#> 2593    Yorke Peninsula -35.05124  137.2090

Now TERN supplies the SMIPS daily data rasters as cloud-optimised GeoTIFFs (or COGs), which contain the soil moisture point predictions across the entirety of Australia. However, because they are cloud-optimised, we can be clever in our downloading to make sure that we only download data for the locations of interest, rather than the entire raster. The nert package works in tandem with the terra package to achieve this efficiency:

  • First, we download the information for a daily SMIPS raster using nert::read_smips,
  • Then we extract only the point values we need, using terra::extract.

This leads to a quicker and tighter data download. The below code shows this process. (Note that terra::extract is particular about the order of the latitude/longitude coordinates: longitude should be specified first, followed by latitude.)

smips_data <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(date_range)) {
  r <- read_smips(collection = "SMindex", day = date_range[i])
  smips_points <- terra::extract(
    x = r,
    y = data.frame(lon = sites$Longitude, lat = sites$Latitude),
    xy = TRUE
  names(smips_points)[2] <- "smips_smi_perc"

  smips_data <- rbind(
      Date = date_range[i],
      Latitude = smips_points$y,
      Longitude = smips_points$x,
      smips_smi_perc = smips_points$smips_smi_perc
#>         Date  Latitude Longitude smips_smi_perc
#> 1 2022-05-07 -34.95253  138.6237     0.25906488
#> 2 2022-05-07 -34.55264  138.9537     0.17677850
#> 3 2022-05-07 -33.83285  138.6037     0.07674548
#> 4 2022-05-07 -34.37270  135.7944     0.53408158
#> 5 2022-05-07 -35.52237  138.4638     0.37496096
#> 6 2022-05-07 -35.71231  137.0741     0.30223876

We can add the Site column to the smips_data to make it easier to use it in conjunction with the grain dataset during the analysis:

smips_data$Site <- sites$Site
#>         Date  Latitude Longitude smips_smi_perc               Site
#> 1 2022-05-07 -34.95253  138.6237     0.25906488           Adelaide
#> 2 2022-05-07 -34.55264  138.9537     0.17677850     Barossa Valley
#> 3 2022-05-07 -33.83285  138.6037     0.07674548       Clare Valley
#> 4 2022-05-07 -34.37270  135.7944     0.53408158     Eyre Peninsula
#> 5 2022-05-07 -35.52237  138.4638     0.37496096 Fleurieu Peninsula
#> 6 2022-05-07 -35.71231  137.0741     0.30223876    Kangaroo Island

We are now ready to proceed with the analytics.

A simple model for grain yield

First, we model the grain yield with a simple model without taking into account any soil moisture confounding—that is, without reference to the SMIPS data that we have just downloaded. We will later incorporate the SMIPS data to see how including the soil moisture as a covariate improves the nitrogen treatment effect size estimates.

Here we will use the nlme package to fit a linear mixed-effect model. The grain yield Yield_tha will be modelled taking the Variety, nitrogen application rate Nitrogen_kgNha and seeding rate SeedRate_plantsm2 as fixed terms, and incorporating the Site and replicate (Rep) structure of the experiment in a random effect term.

simple_model <- lme(
  fixed = Yield_Tha ~ Variety * Nitrogen_kgNha * SeedRate_plantsm2,
  random = ~ 1 | Site / Rep,
  data = grain

We can check the confidence intervals for the effect sizes of the nitrogen treatments for this simple model:

simple_model.ints <- intervals(simple_model, which = "fixed")$fixed
simple_model.Neffects <- simple_model.ints[paste0("Nitrogen_kgNha", c(30, 60, 90)), ]
#>                        lower      est.     upper
#> Nitrogen_kgNha30 -0.17355028 0.0392950 0.2521403
#> Nitrogen_kgNha60  0.08045472 0.2933000 0.5061453
#> Nitrogen_kgNha90  0.09779306 0.3106383 0.5234836

Augmenting the yield model with soil moisture data

Next, we augment our modelling by including the SMIPS soil moisture data as a covariate (perhaps anticipating that the soil moisture improves the yield, but might reduce the effect of nitrogen applied to the soil due to volatilisation). To keep things simple, for each site (and its associated nitrogen application date) we take an average of the SMIPS-reported soil moisture index from the date of the nitrogen application until 30 days after the application, which we will store in a new column called SoilMoisture_avg.

for (site in sites$Site) {
  start_date <- unique(grain[which(grain$Site == site), "NitrogenDate"])[1]
  dates <- seq(start_date, start_date + 30, by = "1 day")
  smips <- smips_data[which(smips_data$Site == site & smips_data$Date %in% dates), ]
  smips_avg <- mean(smips[["smips_smi_perc"]])
  grain[which(grain$Site == site), "SoilMoisture_avg"] <- smips_avg

We can then add this average soil moisture as a fixed effect to the linear mixed-effect model:

augmented_model <- lme(
  fixed = Yield_Tha ~ Variety * Nitrogen_kgNha * SeedRate_plantsm2
    + SoilMoisture_avg + SoilMoisture_avg:Nitrogen_kgNha,
  random = ~ 1 | Site / Rep,
  data = grain

The confidence intervals for the effect sizes of the nitrogen application treatments for this augmented model are then as follows:

augmented_model.ints <- intervals(augmented_model, which = "fixed")$fixed
augmented_model.Neffects <- augmented_model.ints[paste0("Nitrogen_kgNha", c(30, 60, 90)), ]
#>                        lower      est.     upper
#> Nitrogen_kgNha30 -0.03984861 0.2000454 0.4399395
#> Nitrogen_kgNha60  0.31409573 0.5539898 0.7938838
#> Nitrogen_kgNha90  0.33961765 0.5795117 0.8194058

We can use ggplot2 plotting to graph the confidence intervals for the simple model versus the augmented model, and illuminate the difference attained when we include the soil moisture as a confounding term in our modelling:


ci <- rbind(
  data.frame(simple_model.Neffects, model = "Simple Model"),
  data.frame(augmented_model.Neffects, model = "SMIPS-Augmented Model")
ci$term <- paste0("Nitrogen_kgNha", c(30, 60, 90))

pd <- position_dodge(-0.4)
ggplot(ci, aes(x = est., y = term, colour = model)) +
  scale_y_discrete(limits = rev) +
  geom_point(position = pd) +
  geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = pd, height = 0.2) +
  labs(y = "predictor", x = "estimate")
Nitrogen effect estimates compared between the simple model and
  the SMIPS-augmented model.

Nitrogen effect estimates compared between the simple model and the SMIPS-augmented model.

From the comparison of the effect sizes for the nitrogen treatment, we can see that ignoring the effect of soil moisture in the simple model underestimates the direct nitrogen treatment effect. The augmented model, in contrast, accounts for the soil moisture and the potential nitrogen vaporisation that may occur in higher soil moisture conditions.