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This repository contains the code for the R package {AAGIPalettes}, which once installed in your R session (local or RStudio Server), provides helper functions, data and palettes for working with AAGI colours.

Installation instructions

You can install {AAGIPalettes} like so:

if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {
                        dependencies = TRUE

Quick start

Following are some quick examples of {AAGIPalettes} functionality.

Official Colours

{AAGIPalette} provides a data object of the official AAGI colours from the comms guide. You can see the hex code values in a named vector like so.


#> AAGI Bright Green         AAGI Teal         AAGI Blue        AAGI Green 
#>         "#B6D438"         "#00808b"         "#648FD2"         "#54921E" 
#>       AAGI Yellow       AAGI Orange        AAGI Black         AAGI Grey 
#>         "#FFBC42"         "#ec8525"         "#414042"         "#F2F2F2"

Viewing Colours

{AAGIPalette} provides limited functionality for viewing and working with colours. You can plot the colours or palettes in the package as follows.


Display the “aagi_BuOr” palette with 9 stops.

display_aagi_cols(name = "aagi_BuOr", n = 9)

Interpolating Colours


x <- interpolate_aagi_colours()
# round the weights to clean up the legend, this is just an e.g. after all...
wt_vals <- x(length(unique(round(mtcars$wt, 1))))

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = hp, colour = as.factor(round(wt, 1)))) +
geom_point() +
scale_colour_manual("Weight", values = wt_vals)